Monday 12 March 2012

A Series of Definitions (1)

A series of definitions, mostly a play around words and a window to my thoughts on what they might mean or portray when they come alive...

Inspiration. Fertile soil from which rich vegetation of ideas and creativity spring. The nutrition from which the roots of genius drink.

Prejudice. A coloured, often dirty window through which one views the world. Everything on the other side appears in less than perfect hues.

Motivation. We all need that 'vicious' shark to make us swim fast and hard for survival when we float about lazily in comfort zones.

Success. A mouth watering delicacy. An assortment of ingredients. Diligence, focus, etc. The unique taste? That's God's grace added.

Hatred. A raging bull in humanity's china shop. Senselessly and blindingly destroying everything in its path, beginning with its carrier.

Priorities. There will always be time for whatever you consider important. Availability of time is a function of importance and necessity.

The mind. A bit like an onion, wrapped in many layers. Unwrapping those layers sets one on a path of self discovery...

'Upendi'. A place where buds blossom into beautiful flowers. Where the whispers of two hearts, in unison, break out into a fine melody.

Life. A circus. Balancing acts of time and chance. Tight ropes of tough decisions. Juggling perspectives and paradigms. Never a dull moment.

Falsehood. A skillful painter. Practices his art by splashing brilliant colours of half-truths and deceit over the plain canvas of reality.

Trouble. The middle name of a young Squirrel that goes about cracking a nut on a sleeping Lion's forehead.

Courage. An intoxicating drug. Under its influence, armed with determination, many show up at the house where trouble and adversity live.

Patience. Planting a seed. Watering it, nurturing, protecting, never for once leaving it till it becomes tree. Then till it bears fruits.

Infinity. Imagine floating in outer space for a million years. You get to the edge only to find out you've been in a tiny drop in an ocean.

Doubt. Obscure goggles through which we view the world. Reduces the glare of everything colourful n sure to the dull grey known as 'Maybe'.

Victory. A distant land that men seek. Its streets are paved with their many battles, sweat and blood. Its inhabitants are called winners.

Death. The final resting place of dreams. The last stop on the route of time. The 'take off' point for a journey of memories.

Hope. A means of transportation that ferries the future into the now. Faith is oft times the driver.

Humility. The weight that holds one to the ground when one strts 2 float off in a balloon filld wt pride and achievemnt rathr than hot air.

Leadership. Another spelling for SACRIFICE. The description of an embodiment of 'expectation' from people called followers.

Age. An incremental set of digits that perpetually suggest that one continuously has fewer number of tomorrows than one has yesterdays.

Risk. Petty thief when young, armed marauder when fully grown. Robbing many of scarce and hard won opportunities to attain full potential.

Busy. A word that oft tends to describe one's intense preoccupation with nothing in particular.

Truth. The final layer of clothing that covers the soul's nakedness whn several layers of pretence, falsehood, fallacy, hve bn strippd away.

Fate. The scapegoat 'everyone' blames when the outcome of decisions or circumstances cannot be pre determined. Always guilty by default.

Greed. A hole in the soul that constantly requires filling. It is filled by materialism dug out from another hole that was filled by same.

Time. The finite continuum. The distance between life and death, day and night, young and old, wounds and healing, dreams and reality,...

Opportunity. The beautiful woman/ man we refuse to chase/ accept because all we see are her/ his flaws, and not the 'Beauty' beneath.

Tears. The waters that flow in the river called 'Emotion'. The 'aquatic' expression of fragility of the human 'Heart'.

Poverty. An arid place of drought, lack and insufficiency. It exists first in the mind where ideas are AWOL.

Friend. Another spelling of LOYALTY. Cannot be used for many. A word that describes the umbilical joining of two destinies.

Sex. A physical portal that opens up into extraterrestrial dimensions that can only be aptly defined by the soul.

Anger. A raging volcano that oft spews the molten magma that destroys whatever lies in its path.

Love. A timeless mystery still being unravelled with each passing day.

Dream. The precursor of reality. What keeps one wide awake at night and seeking new frontiers, uncharted territories of destiny in the day.

Beauty. The product of a well refined, disabused and sharpened mind.

Smile. A little piece of radiant sunshine humans wear on their faces.

Fear. A big bully that stops us from getting what is ours or yearn to have. It snatches away the very things we have in our grasps.

Pride. A colourful mask that impedes one's sound judgement and blinds one from seeing a gaping hole that one can fall through.

History. Humanity so oft does not learn from it, hence its repetition.

Olusola Olaoluwakitan.

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