I stood staring blankly ahead of me, like one transfixed, lost in my own thoughts.
I like to clean, when I can afford the energy and time to do so. I like my things to be in order as much as possible. Yeah, I can be fussy about putting things in order when I'm in the mood. Guess 'little apple'-me didn't fall far from 'my tree'-mum, in that regard.
But there are some times when all I want to do is sit back, relax and just take in the scenery around me.
Such times as this moment, I do not particularly feel like cleaning and I wonder whatever I did to deserve the pile of dirty dishes hideously staring back at me. They appear like they would come together any moment, like some 'evil robot', jump out of the kitchen sink and give me the chase of my life, while shooting grease bubbles at me! (Sigh! There, my imagination running away with me again!).
I revel in such moments.
Rapturous moments in which I can allow my mind wander free, without the reins of duty, responsibility, task or the many issues that spring out from everyday living.
I revel in those 'Golden Moments' that never fail to point to me lessons from the simplest things in life.
As I stood there painstakingly reducing my mountain of dishes, one piece of greasy 'ceramic' after another, my wandering mind came to fix on the open faucet, soothingly splashing and sprinkling warm water on the dishes, making them clean and sparkle. And the sink hole that had nothing to offer, except to suck in whatever the faucet had to give.
The more the 'tap' sprayed and sprinkled, the more the sinkhole sucked and drained!
It didn't matter how much water the faucet sprayed and splashed and even gushed. The sinkhole always drained all.
Don't we meet people that are like faucets and sinkholes everyday?
'Faucets' always have something to give. Always filled with 'bubbly' life, they are that friend, parent, sibling, boss, sub-ordinate, co-worker, spouse, partner, teacher, neighbour that always seems to have a word of encouragement for you when the 'chips are down'. They always wear a smile, they still believe in you even when you make the silliest of mistakes. They comfort you when life hits you hard, they give you a shoulder when you cry. They push you on to reach your goals and live your dreams. They are the little bit of sunshine that shows up on your 'rainy day', people you can lean on. They are the people you can dare to trust with your darkest secrets and weaknesses without the fear of being judged.
History is littered with such people who have given without reservation, some up to the point of paying the ultimate sacrifice.
They make life beautiful.
'Sinkholes' consistently take everything that other people have to give or offer, they rarely have anything of substance to offer in return. And they never tire to ask for more!
My message?
Apply yourself to life. Give whatever you hold that could make a difference in someone else's life. It doesn't matter the magnitude of what it is, material or immaterial. A little touch goes a long way. Start from a smile. Work it up, from information, through trust, all the way to love.
Give without reservation, give to the society, give to your generation.
Olusola Olaoluwakitan.
P.S Californian girl, this one's for you. You're one of the 'sprinkliest' faucets I've met in recent times. So glad our paths crossed.